Grateful Girls Safe Havens are state licensed facilities in Milwaukee, WI that provide short-term residential housing exclusively for young ladies between the ages of 12-21 who are at-risk, survivors of human trafficking, or experience mental health-related disabilities.
Before a young woman can take on the task of growth and development they must have love, healing, nurturing, guidance, structure, stability and the opportunity to discover and develop life skills and cultivate innate abilities.
Grateful Girls Safe Haven (GGSH) believes young girls and women are best served in a communal home-like setting that emphasizes group interaction, close supervision, and comprehensive professional support. The youth and young women will benefit from the support of caring professionals while learning vocational and constructive life skills. Our state licensed faciliites will provide emotional and behavioral modification with our five core values interwoven throughout the intricate workings of our organization. Our five core values are accountability, integrity, gracefulness, self-love, respect, and working in excellence.

GGSH will provide structure to all the residents through the use of rules and expectations for each staff and resident. The rules will also outline the behavioral standards that are expected at all times in the facilites. House rules will address contact with family and nonresidents, expected behaviors with telephone, internet, and computer usage in the state licensed facilities.
Through the utilization of Grateful Girls resources, our goal is to work with the community partners; with ensuring young women have the necessary tools when transitioning out of the commercial sexual exploitation. Services will be coordinated in a culturally competent responsive manner to meet the needs of the individuals.
Grateful Girls Safe Haven programming includes:
Mental health services
Independent living skills
Commercial sexual exploitation of children services
Training and development services
Crisis management